Government At Odds On Covid-19 Testing,Claims To Be Awaiting The Green Light From Rivm.
IsGovernment really speaking with the business sector?
During the past week againGovernments lack of cohesion onaimportant matter was as glaring as a sunlit day, commented Member of Parliament, Sarah A. Wescot-Williams on thepublic meetingregarding the financial and socio-economic outlook ofFriday last.
While debating in the second round,MPsreceived answers to questions in the first roundvia email from the Minister of VSA.Answers such as:At present, all antigen tests are inferior to RT-PCR, from a diagnostic performance perspective.Use of antigen tests to conduct source and contact tracing among the community would result in more missed cases (false negatives), leading to higher burden of disease, higher number of hospitalized cases and possibly higher number of deaths Read more
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